The first activity we played at the extreme park was paintball wars !!!! Haha it was fun we had a 3 on 3 match. Me, Andrew, Kevin, Keefe, Kevin's Dad, Victor were the players during this paintball wars. Myself together with kevin and victor were in the red team while kevin's dad together with andrew and keefe were in another team. We played a capture the flag style match and the final score at the end of the day was 3 - 0. Care to guess which team won ???

Haha, next activity we pursued was the flying fox. We had to climb up this 6 story structure just to get to the starting point of the flying fox. When i reached the top, then only i found out that i was over the weight limit of 100Kg. Wasted my efforts climbing up those stairs. Haha
vitor & andrew
Well after that, the gang went for kayaking but i was too lazy to do it. Then the last activity on the list was the ATV ride. The ride was quite fun, although the bike looked like a normal bike, the ammount of torque produced was incredible.
After extreme park, we went to Sunway Pyramid and shopped around.
I saw Sunway Lagoon website, etrance fee of Extreme Park is RM36 per person, is it including for all the games inside Extreme Park, such as Paintball, flying fox, ATV etc?
Or there is different extra charge for each game?
Hey, I google for Extreme Park and saw your post.
May I know how long you took to complete all the games inside?? Any additional charge for the games or it is included in the entrance tickets?
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