Yea man !!! Exams are finally over, now i have time to do what i have always been doing every holiday. Laze Around !!!!
Anyways today was a very good day for me, not only are exams over i managed to THRASH my friend in pool hahaha. Final score today was 7 wins and 3 losses.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Rambo 4 Rocks !!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
3 down !!! 2 more to go !!!
Yea, 3 papers down and 2 more to go !!!
My exams are finally coming to an end, 2 more papers left haha
My exams are finally coming to an end, 2 more papers left haha
Monday, January 21, 2008
Fu Sheng Yuan 1st Annual Dinner
Hi readers, sorry for the lack of updates. Stressing over my examinations now haha.
Anyways on the 19th of January which was last Saturday, my wushu association together with the tai-chi association had its first annual dinner.
Well the event can be considered ok overall. There were a few problems here and there but overall everything was good.
Anyways time for pics !!!!

this is the location of the dinner, it was in the multi-purpose hall

our DJ's for the night

the new generation of high school musical

some of the tai-chi ladies dancing on stage (was done spntaniously)

my wushu sensei, also the tai-chi instructor
Anyways on the 19th of January which was last Saturday, my wushu association together with the tai-chi association had its first annual dinner.
Well the event can be considered ok overall. There were a few problems here and there but overall everything was good.
Anyways time for pics !!!!

this is the location of the dinner, it was in the multi-purpose hall

our DJ's for the night

the new generation of high school musical

some of the tai-chi ladies dancing on stage (was done spntaniously)

my wushu sensei, also the tai-chi instructor
Friday, January 18, 2008
Yea !!! 1 down 4 more to go !!!
Yea !!! Today i just finished my first paper for the exams. Hahahaha so that makes it 1 down and 4 more to go then it'll be holidays !!!!!!
Kevin's Birthday Gathering
I know this is kinda late but was busy with exam preps so didn't have time to edit and resize the pictures. Anyways i'll allow the pictures to take over the scene

We arrived at The Street @ The Curve at Mutiara Damansara and found this on display outside Cineleisure Damansara.
After that we went for dinner at

this was what i had for dinner or most of us anyways haha
After that was cam whoring session.

And finally we ended up at Laundry for drinks

birthday boy before shot

We arrived at The Street @ The Curve at Mutiara Damansara and found this on display outside Cineleisure Damansara.
After that we went for dinner at

this was what i had for dinner or most of us anyways haha
After that was cam whoring session.

And finally we ended up at Laundry for drinks

birthday boy before shot
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Something interesting i found on the net
I was just surfinr throught the web and stumbled upon this video.
Enjoy ...
Enjoy ...
Old Puay Chai Gathering @ The Apartment The Curve
Last night at approximately 2100 hours, we had our 2nd Puay Chai class of 2000 6I gathering. Except this time it was bigger, better and much more fun. Haha, the last gathering was at Laundry in the Curve and the music was so loud till we had difficulties hearing what we were saying. This time the gathering was held at the apartment in the curve and i will say that it was the best place to hang out. Kudos to Winnie (i think) for choosing the place.

group shot 1

leng lui shot

random group shot

group shot

group shot 1

leng lui shot

random group shot

group shot
Something i found in my old hard disc
I was filtering through all the junk in my hard disc and i found something interesting
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.
I know its not new, but i'm sure there are people who have not seen this yet. Enjoy !!!
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.
I know its not new, but i'm sure there are people who have not seen this yet. Enjoy !!!
Monday, January 14, 2008
M.I.A again
First off apologies for my absence of posts these past few days, have been staying at home because of my upcoming semester finals. Nothing much going on in my life right now other than study... study... study...
So i guess i won't be writing much till my exams are over. So till then ...
So i guess i won't be writing much till my exams are over. So till then ...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
YEA !!! Writer's Guild of America strike is over !!!
YEA, the strike held by the writer's guild of America is finally over !!! That means show releases are going to return as usual !!!
Prison break season 3 has been on hold since god knows how long. The last episode released was 8.
Oh, and ONE TREE HILL season 05 is out !!!!!!

Episode 1 is already out !!! and YEA it rocks !!!
You all should go and watch it !
Prison break season 3 has been on hold since god knows how long. The last episode released was 8.
Oh, and ONE TREE HILL season 05 is out !!!!!!

Episode 1 is already out !!! and YEA it rocks !!!
You all should go and watch it !
Picture Time
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Phew ... What a Day
Wow what a roller coaster ride my day has been.
My day started off with a bang, i woke up went to the toilet to do my business, took the psp with me and then disaster strikes, i found out that the X button does not respond, arrgghhhh noooooo my dear psp is only 2 months old and THIS happens !!???!!! When i was done with the washroom, i called bernard the person who sold me the psp and he says most likely dust particles got jammed in between the button and the board causing it to be unresponsive. Phew .... at least nothing major, he ask me to bring it over so that he can clean it for me. Lucky !!!!
After that, i read online that in order to get my Creative Zen Touch to work with Windows Vista, i had to update my firmware to the new one. So off i went downloading the new firmware. Mind you i want to upgrade my OS to Vista because my XP is giving me a lot of problems now and i want to try Vista for fun since i will be reformating my pc soon anyways. Guess what half way during the updating process, the program hanged, the BLOODY THING HANGED and right after it deleted the firmware in my player, so now i'm left with a 20GB mp3 player without any firmware to boot. DAMN !!! I tried my best to revive the thing again by installing an older firmware, but to my dismay, the error message saying that my player is not connected keeps popping up although my player is connected. DANG ! 2 of my gadgets died on me on the same day. How bad can that be.
So with no mp3 player left, i decided to bring my camera to college and just take photos of random stuff. I'll post the pics up tomorrow after i have made some minor adjustments to them.
When i came back, my mom told me that there is a 90% chance that my maid has stage 4 pelvis cancer. I was like WTF ! ! ! and here i was thinking that my day was bad, i am just stunned even as i am writing this now i am still in disbelieve. Just goes to prove that people nowadays are more prone to have cancer.
That's all for now, will update you guys again soon.
My day started off with a bang, i woke up went to the toilet to do my business, took the psp with me and then disaster strikes, i found out that the X button does not respond, arrgghhhh noooooo my dear psp is only 2 months old and THIS happens !!???!!! When i was done with the washroom, i called bernard the person who sold me the psp and he says most likely dust particles got jammed in between the button and the board causing it to be unresponsive. Phew .... at least nothing major, he ask me to bring it over so that he can clean it for me. Lucky !!!!
After that, i read online that in order to get my Creative Zen Touch to work with Windows Vista, i had to update my firmware to the new one. So off i went downloading the new firmware. Mind you i want to upgrade my OS to Vista because my XP is giving me a lot of problems now and i want to try Vista for fun since i will be reformating my pc soon anyways. Guess what half way during the updating process, the program hanged, the BLOODY THING HANGED and right after it deleted the firmware in my player, so now i'm left with a 20GB mp3 player without any firmware to boot. DAMN !!! I tried my best to revive the thing again by installing an older firmware, but to my dismay, the error message saying that my player is not connected keeps popping up although my player is connected. DANG ! 2 of my gadgets died on me on the same day. How bad can that be.
So with no mp3 player left, i decided to bring my camera to college and just take photos of random stuff. I'll post the pics up tomorrow after i have made some minor adjustments to them.
When i came back, my mom told me that there is a 90% chance that my maid has stage 4 pelvis cancer. I was like WTF ! ! ! and here i was thinking that my day was bad, i am just stunned even as i am writing this now i am still in disbelieve. Just goes to prove that people nowadays are more prone to have cancer.
That's all for now, will update you guys again soon.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Happy New Year !!! 2008 !!!
Haha, i know that i have been neglecting my blog for the past few days, k maybe weeks haha. Anyways, 2007 has come and gone just like the wind as we usher in 2008. Well this year i hope that things will be as good as 2007 for me. Nothing too fancy, i just hope i dun screw my life up hahaha. Anyways here is something for you guys who read my blog

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
M.I.A (Part 2)
Haha, here's the other part of my M.I.A life. On the 27th was my friend's birthday, her family had the celebration at Tony Roma's at Cineleisure. The amount of food that was ordered was just uncountable. Everyone had abit of something, so i'll just let the pictures do the talking for now.

There were more food coming but after my beef ribs came, i succumbed to it and devoured it instantly forgetting to take any photos of the other scrumptious delicacies that landed on our table. Haha
Oh and did i mention that it was my friends birthday ? I now present you the birthday girl !!!

There were more food coming but after my beef ribs came, i succumbed to it and devoured it instantly forgetting to take any photos of the other scrumptious delicacies that landed on our table. Haha
Oh and did i mention that it was my friends birthday ? I now present you the birthday girl !!!

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