I went to Batu Caves for a shooting session with the Taylors Photography Club, we met at Taylor's Business School at 8.30 in the morning
Group pic, myself, senthil, bryan and su zhen

Ice breaking session

Fire at the temple below the stairs

Cute girl walking among pigeon feed

Another shot of the girl, i think her name was sasha, she is really really cute

Age is not a factor when commitment is concerned

Some souvenirs on sale at the base of the stairs

then . . . the stairssssss

Bryan shooting

Su Zhen shooting

Lights on the stairs

My attempt at silhouette shots of the statue at the top of the stairs

My attempt at water drops

The way to the temple at the end of the cave, can you feel the holy-ness

Senthil taking his shot

Temple at the end of the cave

Fire at the temple

My attempt at architecture, i think haha

Snake charmer at the top of the stairs

I believe that Charles evolution theory is right, can you see the similarity's

and we get this

Captain Jack monkey version

Twin monkey shot, not really sure whether are they twins or not haha

I believe that expression =P came from this

Some random shots of the day
Can ripped open by monkey's

One of the member's brought this

hey ur pics looks dem nice lah... you got flair for photography =) taken with digicam? the cheapo wan or the SLR dem type?
hey ern sheong, thanks haha taken with Sony A300 DSLR
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