Haha, finally some more updates, I am officially doing nothing with my life. Haha, have been bumming for the past few weeks and will be for the next few weeks.
Here are some photos that were taken during Wesak. (Haha shows how lazy / busy I am)

Potted flowers that were on sale at the Ti-Ratana booth

Individual flowers that were on sale

Close up of the flower

The chief reverand Ratana giving his blessings

A shot of the Maha Vihara on Wesak Eve

Beggars on the side of the entrance into Maha Vihara

Beggars along the streets leading into Maha Vihara

The crowd on Wesak Day

The Buddhist Maha Vihara Sunday Dharma School students performing

Oil lamps that devotees have lit up in memory of the departed

Volunteers topping up the oil

The float helpers praying that the entire event will go well

The second part of the ritual

And . . . . The aftermath of the ritual

The crew who worked on the Ti-Ratana main float

Chief Reverand Ratana walking in front of the Ti-Ratana main float with an entourage of monks from other monasteries

Devotion conquers all obstacles

Woooo, I saw this parked along the curb, belongs to PDRM, never knew that PDRM had high powered dirt bikes

Here is a teaser for the next installment
P.S All C&C's are welcomed